The Dark Knight has been regarded as possibly the best movie of the 21st century so far and that may very well be true. Christopher Nolan’s 2008 classic is likely the peak of superhero films, let alone, DC comic films, especially when compared to recent ones. This movie stars Christian Bale as Batman, Heath Ledger as the Joker, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon and many more familiar faces. Many movies are a one time thing and a second viewing could only ruin the movie for yourself, but The Dark Knight is re-watchable multiple times without it becoming boring. An incredible feature about the film is the lack of CGI because Nolan doesn’t like it at all and prefers action scenes that aren’t made in a computer. This adds to the film because all of the crashes and bangs are real, and it doesn’t feel fake and it won’t look much faker in years to come.
Not all of the credit for this great film belongs to Nolan though, I couldn’t talk about this movie without mentioning the spectacular performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker. Ledger had a short career, but a memorable one, when people hear his name they usually think of this film, and for good reason. He arguably had the best portrayal of the Joker of all time. The casting crew for this movie did a great job and all of the characters and faces work with their motives. This film also has an incredible score by Hans Zimmer and is now one of the most recognizable themes of a movie ever. This movie is engaging and exciting, anyone can watch it and be entertained by it. It simply is an amazing film.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This movie wasn’t too bad, I heard what all the critics were saying about it but it was overall still pretty enjoyable. Out of all the Disney Star Wars movies, I’d even say that I enjoyed this one more than Rouge One, because it actually genuinely feels like a Star Wars Story, a small story of a big character. Some serious bits of the film were unintentionally hilarious which obviously isn’t great for a film. One part of the movie I was pretty distracted by was the cinematography, a lot of the shots were too dark to see what was going on, and other times it felt as though the camera was too uncomfortably close to be able to get the full picture. Another critique was the plot was too predictable, there were one or two times that I was surprised at the actions of a person, but it’s a story about Han Solo, we already know he’s going to live, and the people we don’t recognize from other Star Wars films are going to die or leave, we know how this story will end. The crew tried their best with that fact and it definitely could’ve been done better, but definitely could’ve been done worse. Many people were making a big deal about Lando being pansexual but, the film itself doesn’t make a big deal
about it. If you never heard about that news then you would probably come out of the theater without even thinking about it. I just personally think that his character could’ve been developed better and shown a little more screen time. L3-37 was the Jar Jar Binks of this film, an unnecessary companion to the main characters that is just for laughs yet is just plain annoying. Compared to other Star Wars movies, this one was very goofy, which a lot of people didn’t like but it’s a story about Han Solo, the rebel who doesn’t take anyone too seriously. One scene in which Solo was a soldier for the empire, felt more like I was watching a World War 2 movie than an intergalactic Sci-Fi. This movie was okay.