Mission Impossible – Fallout is the sixth film in the Mission: Impossible franchise and my personal favorite. It’s a great blend of action and story, though the villain is kinda recycled, it doesn’t seem lazy, and a new villain is also introduced though, the twist wasn’t very surprising and pretty expected. This film feels very fresh and new, the action scenes weren’t boring at all and were easy to follow, not too much shaky cam or anything like that. Tom cruise, of course, returns to the franchise as Ethan Hunt and though he is getting old, he doesn’t disappoint with action. Henry Cavill plays the part of August Walker, and he has a great American accent as well as a great mustache. Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg return again but don’t make much of an impact on the film as many people would’ve hoped, though they are pretty much just there for humor. The humor in the film isn’t as present as other Mission: Impossible films but when there is humor, it fits very well and doesn’t feel awkward.
My biggest critic of the film was that the CGI was pretty obvious at some parts, but that was only for small action parts, whenever a wide angle is shown, or a close up, perspective, whatever, it looks good. The shots of the inside of a tumbling helicopter were great, pretty much everything about the helicopter scene was great. Just like the fifth film in the franchise, this movie is surprising, and in an understandable way, like Ethan Hunt is one of the top MIF agents in the world, it makes sense that he would do something no one would have thought of but himself. This film is fantastic.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation
Many franchises get worse as sequels are added, but I’m very excited to see what the next Mission: Impossible has in store. Tom Cruise, the American Bruce Lee, returns again as Ethan Hunt. Tom Cruise may be getting old but he’s just as capable at doing stunts as ever, he proves this in the movie’s first scene, even before the title card reassures which movie you’re watching, Tom Cruise is hanging of the side of an airplane as it takes off, to reassure which movie you’re watching for you. It would be hard to follow the action of the fourth film but the fifth manages just fine, and even exceeds the action. With every Mission: Impossible movie, there is unbelievable luck with characters but with this installment, it feels more realistic, as far as realistic goes with these movies, but it doesn’t take all of the fun away.
There was one scene though that was extremely lucky for the main characters in which their car got into a terrible accident and they walked away with minor injuries. This movie has many smart actions by the characters that no one was expecting, and a lot of this film is actions that weren’t expected and it never gets dull, repeatative, or predictable, which can be very hard with a series like this, just when you think everything has been done, Ethan Hunt pulls another trick from up his sleeve. The problem with these movies are the villains, they want something bad to happen but then Ethan Hunt comes in and saves the day, which can be annoying for some but I’m fine with it, as long as each movie introduces cool new characters, or gadgets, or whatever. This movie is good.